CVS Research Grants

Our Clinical Research Grants are unique in the industry.

CVS is proud to offer funding for veterinary clinical research that aims to benefit the animals under veterinary care, and research that supports the veterinary profession in providing the best possible care to animals.

What we fund 

What we do not fund

Clinical veterinary research: We support clinical veterinary research, including Quality Improvement projects, which aim to generate new knowledge that has a direct benefit to animals cared for by the veterinary profession.  

Experimental research: Any interventions on animals (including obtaining samples) must be considered part of recognised veterinary practice (and fall under The Veterinary Surgeons Act in the UK). Investigators should be familiar with UK law regarding research on animals and these standards will be applied to all territories (advice is available if necessary to applicants from Australia).   

Research supporting the veterinary profession: We fund research that aims to generate further knowledge to support veterinary practice and veterinary professionals.  


Our Grants Funding in 2024

Scope of funding call in 2024: Research to support antibiotic stewardship across the veterinary profession.

  • This funding call will support one PhD of up to £30,000 per annum, for a maximum of 3 years.
  • The research must demonstrate a route to support responsible antibiotic prescribing, or infection prevention and control processes.
  • Examples of themes that would fall within the scope of this call include:

  i. development of novel diagnostic or sequencing methods to support antibiotic prescribing
  ii. development and evaluation of antibiotic prescribing interventions
  iii. assessment of behavioural barriers/facilitators to implement effective infection control processes

  • Applications are open to academics from universities or research institutes in the UK and Australia.
  • Funding can be used to cover any direct research costs. This includes salary costs/stipend, consumables and utilities/software specifically required for the research. A maximum of £1,500 per publication cost can be requested.
  • University funding for student fees is required.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for applications: 30th August 2024
  • Shortlist decision and feedback communicated by: 11th October 2024
  • Shortlisted application meetings: Held through November 

How To Apply

To apply for our grants, please follow the guidance below and email your application to

Please submit the following four documents to apply:

What happens after you apply?

Your application will undergo a detailed review and scored by at least two members of the CVS Clinical Research Panel (CRP). Each application will be scored on three areas: i) quality and study design, ii) clinical impact and iii) likely productivity of the proposed research.

Applicants with the highest scoring applications will be invited to join a meeting, in person or virtually, to answer specific questions from the panel. We will notify you of our decision shortly after the relevant meeting.

If unsuccessful, you are welcome to resubmit your application once more in a future round of grant calls as long as this is made clear on the application form.

If successful, you will receive a communication confirming the decision outlining total project costs and specifying the date by which the project must commence. We will require a response from you accepting the award and confirming the project start date. All awards will be subject to signed acceptance of the CVS grant university funding agreement.

CRP members may also be applicants. However, CRP members who are also applicants on a project proposal will not be involved in the assessment of such proposals.

The CVS CRP consists of:

  • Chief Veterinary Officer
  • Director of Clinical Research
  • Chair of CVS Ethics Committee
  • SA Veterinary Director
  • Equine Veterinary Director
  • Farm Animal Director
  • Laboratory Division Director
  • Referrals representative
  • Two external members

Download - CVS Clinical Research Award privacy notice (PDF 79KB)

Download - CVS Clinical Research Awards funding agreement (PDF 453KB)